Lisa lights up your stage with contagious energy, compelling faith habits, fabulous stories, and the courage to go all in with Jesus.

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Online Bible Study Classes

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1:1 Life Coaching

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-Julie Mikolajczyk
Editor in Chief, City & Commerce Magazine

Lisa is a breath of fresh air. She radiates positivity and authenticity. She’s like your best friend and personal cheerleader all rolled into one. In a world that seems to get crazier by the day, Lisa remains steadfast in her commitment to equip and empower Christ followers. She offers encouragement and practical ways to deepen your faith.

-Shauna Attwood
Executive Assistant, APU

Lisa is a remarkable speaker whose joyful spirit, unwavering faith, and love for the Lord shine through her every word.

Her genuine enthusiasm and a deep commitment to the Gospel inspire all who have had the privilege of hearing her speak.

-Katty Chou
Family Physician/College Physician

God is using Lisa’s giftings to bring spiritual healing and wholeness to women of all ages in this generation for Jesus Christ.

Her speaking and coaching are filled with contagious joy and the Lord's wisdom. 

She helps the audience understand The Word so that they grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus. It couldn’t get better than that!

-Anne Odgers

Lisa Toney is a spiritual tour de force. Whether she is speaking or writing, she opens her heart and generously lets us in. Her powerful voice shines brilliantly like a diamond that we hand down to the next generation.

-Laura Collins
Pilates Master Instructor

I love Lisa’s online studies! The strategies and images she provides for her audience are very relatable and empowering to women. She’s been my most inspirational spiritual teacher these past few years. So grateful for her work!


-Natalie Kelley

Lisa has a big heart! Her passion for Jesus and  for encouraging women through her teaching is so evident in my experiences with her. Her lessons are practical, meaningful, and have given me tools for how to integrate God’s word into my life


-Jessica Solomon
Homeschool Mamma

Lisa’s dynamic, confident, and interactive speaking style testifies to her love for Christ and her enthusiastic desire to share Him with others. She clearly articulates the truths of God’s Word. Lisa’s encouragement and compassion have been a rich blessing in my life.

-Amber Blews
Clinical Psychologist

Lisa has encouraged me through her wise words, humorous approach, and relentless prayers while on my journey through grad school and parenting. Lisa’s incredible faith and love for Jesus are evident in the way she approaches teaching, counseling, and coaching.


-Tammi Bateman

Lisa has an honest and transparent way of talking about the challenges in life. Her passion for Jesus brings encouragement and offers a fresh perspective. Lisa lights up a room with the joy of the Lord as her strength. What a blessing she is to my life!


Start Fresh With God Here
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Can God really speak to you? Does God make our life better?Ā Yep. I'm here to tell you thatĀ God is living, real, and more powerful than you can imagine. Jesus is our Hope Dealer. We can make wise choices. We can be more patient. We can do things differently than our culture tells us we must. How? All things are possible with Jesus.Ā 


Um, can you say JOY? No grumpy heads allowed. Jesus brings the abundant life. That means there is lots of hilarious stories, big smiles, and genuine OMgosh life moments! Lisa shares them all as we enjoy this one precious life we were given. Hope in Jesus is our favorite. Lisa is your Champion of Hope.


Lisa is an ordained pastor with an M.Div from Fuller Seminary who has taught the Bible for over 20 years. She knows her stuff. But let's be real here. It isn't about Greek and Hebrew (although she did meet her hubs there - which is a great story). This is about your life being made better by Jesus. Dive in and see for yourself!

Hey there!


Read my story  ā˛¯









Author. Artist. 

Champion of Hope.

I'm bringing a high energy message of hope, humor, and joy in Jesus. Jesus came so that we could thrive in the abundant life. Life can be hard and the joy and wisdom of Jesus is the best way I know to have the strength we need to get through!

I live in the City of Angels (a.k.a. Los Angeles) and dream of the superpower of a flying minivan to transport my family through our sea of traffic! One brave man dared to marry me and we have four kids (sometimes my teenagers resemble aliens which makes me very grateful that the mom in E.T. had a real alien living in her house and did not know it!)

I love to pull the characters we read about in Scripture out of the pages and invite you to get to know them as friends. I talk a lot about the "why" behind the principles I teach to help you better understand how following Jesus makes your life better.

Give me a little coffee, dark chocolate, and a whole lot of Jesus every day. Let's be friends! @LisaToneyLife

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