$47.00 USD

Organize My Life Workshop

True or False

 “I’m tired of feeling like I get nothing done even though I’m always busy.”


  • Are you tired of being unorganized?
  • Frustrated that you don't ever accomplish anything?
  • Do your days turn into weeks and you wonder where they went?
  • Does time get away from you?
  • Do you wish you could see more growth in your life?
  • Is there never enough time to get it all done?
  • Do you struggle with decisions?
  • Do you try to do it all yourself - without including God?
  • Does life feel overwhelming?
  • Is there just too much to do?

Then this workshop is for you! 

In one five-hour block of time carved out just for you, learn how to: 

  • Get organized

  •  Manage your time

  •  Include God in your decision-making

  • Accomplish your goals

  •  Simplify your life

  •  Grow in six key areas of your life

  •  Take control of your schedule

  •  Experience more contentment 

You can't reach for anything new when your hands are full of the past. God is always doing something new in your life. Are you listening? Are you ready for it?

So teach us to number our days so that we may get a heart of wisdom. 

Psalm 90:12

  • Who controls your calendar?

  • Who manages your time?

  • Who establishes your priorities?

If YOU don't, SOMEONE else will.

The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out. 

Proverbs 20:5

Get intentional. Take back your time. Take back your life. When you complete this workshop, you will have an individualized custom-made plan for the next three months of your life. People who plan accomplish way more than people who don't. I will guide you through easy, practical, and intentional exercises to help you think through what it is you want to accomplish and create a success path to get you there!


If you are tired of living like this...

Do something about it!

God has a good plan for you. You DO have enough time to accomplish all that He has for you. Let's dive into some Scripture, invite the Lord into this process, and take a few hours to get organized. The best version of you is just around the corner. You can live with less stress and anxiety. Planning will give you clarity of mind, thought, and purpose. Let's do this!