$37.00 USD

40 Day Habit Fast

Find freedom from a habit that you know you need to change. Journey To The Cross With Jesus and find freedom!

For 40 Days yield that habit to God and lean into the power of Jesus as He journeys to the cross. We will die to ourselves as we stand in awe of the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made for us.

Each day you will receive:

A Daily Devotional Guide that has four areas

  • READ: Daily Scripture Reading
  • REFLECT: Focus Scripure For The Day
  • RECEIVE: Devotional Inspiration
  • RESPOND: Prayer Over Your Day


You will also have a community group that will allow us to interact with one another and encourage one another.

Join Lisa for a LIVE session online each week every Friday at 10:00 a.m. PST to talk about what God is doing in our lives.

When you are a part of 40 Days To Freedom, you will kick a habit, grow in your faith, stay focused on Jesus, and build a community of faith-filled friends.

I can't wait to see you on our journey together! Don't let the power and impact of the Easter season pass you by. Lean in and journey with Jesus for 40 days. Let's seek freedom together!

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17